Banbury Howard featured in Creative Brief Top 30
Every year, Creative Brief – a respected provider of intelligence to marketers – releases its Top 30 agency list. When the news arrived that we’d been ranked No.9 of the most viewed agencies for branding and design, we were pretty chuffed!
As a full service agency, we’re more than happy to help our clients realise their marketing goals using the most effective means possible: whether that’s advertising, PR or any of the disciplines in the Creative Brief league table. But we admit we love getting our teeth into a branding project.
Building a strong brand is key to any successful company and especially in today’s fast moving M&A marketplace where two (or more) companies must come together and create a coherent face to the world.
#creativebriefTop30s – Branding in action
The recent acquisition of Connode by Cyan Technology, for example, provided a fantastic opportunity for Banbury Howard to demonstrate branding expertise. Working with stakeholders in Cambridge and Stockholm, our designers created CyanConnode’s new look and feel, delivering a seamless transition to a brand that accurately reflects the new company’s service offering.
The creativity and forward-thinking approach of our team of designers and artwork directors here at Banbury Howard ensures that we can continue to deliver work, not only to be proud of, but that really achieves results.
So thank you Creative Brief and here’s to many more exciting branding and design projects.
To learn how Banbury Howard could help you realise your brand ambitions, please drop us a line below.