Are social media specialists still special?
We just had to agree with Luke Brynley-Jones, the founder and CEO of Our Social Times, one of the UK’s best known social media agencies, when he recently commented on the supposed decline in the need for dedicated social media specialists. What tosh, we say!
Sure, social media isn’t necessarily the domain of tech savvy specialists any more, so we’re right behind LB-J when he says that with more people using social media in their work, there are naturally more social media generalists out there. However, this doesn’t mean there’s no further need for social media specialists!
With more and more people using social media, and with social media platforms becoming ever more complex and sophisticated, the need for specialists is even more crucial. Knowing how to get real results from social advertising and content marketing is becoming increasingly difficult and competition is tough.
We often speak to clients who say they know how to use social media – up to a point. And, of course, all of us here at Banbury Howard know how to use social media – up to a point. We’re able to add social media into a tailored marketing and PR programme for our clients. But to do this properly (and we always do things properly), we call in our specialist. Farah Tahsin is our digital marketing manager. She focuses on the best ways for companies to interact with customers on social media platforms and how to choose the correct tone, whether you’re dealing with Business to Business or Business to Consumer. She’s able to plan, track and measure social media campaigns across a number of channels. She can make social media really work for you, because she’s a specialist. She knows what’s what.
So maybe there is in fact less need for the social media generalist and MORE need for social media specialists? All we know is Farah is very busy!